Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Icy road to the Super Bowl

Over two decades after being born, and having lived in 4 different cities on Feb 1, 2011 I finally got to experience a REAL winter storm. For the second day in a row I'm basically stuck in the apartment, classes have been cancel, the temperature is below freezing, the roads are covered in ice and in top of it we keep getting blackouts that can last from 15-45minutes. In the bright side of things now I know that I can survive real bad cold weather. Perhaps I need to learn how to appropriately drive in icy roads. Anyways since I real cant go anywhere, and yesterday I did absolutely nothing I think today I should do some homework. It also seems like a good idea to do some work in important projects: commercial and business.
It is necessary to mention Caleigh's heroic act in "rescuing" me and helping other people in our 3 hour long adventure in the road. Truth be told I didn't need to be rescued since I was in my apartment with food and a heater, not in an accident in some road. I guess you could say I needed to be rescue because I couldn't get out of my apartment's parking lot to make it to her place. An average 40 minute round trip drive turn into almost 3 hours. Not only due to speed but because people cars kept getting stuck in the middle of the street. Luckily Caleigh had salt in the car  and actual experience driving in icy roads. She helped people move their cars out of the way and get traffic going once again. Before getting to her apartment we stopped at Tom Thumb to get groceries. The parking lot was like an ice skating rink. Important to mention I suck at skating, any kind of it. It took me forever to make it inside the store. In the way out Caleigh suggested I should hold on to her waist instead of walking. Ended up being a good/fun idea!
The weather is still bad and it looks like it won't get better until Saturday. Honestly I don't mind the weather I'm kind of liking it. Note to self: buy better gloves and a jacket asap. The main reason I want to be able to get out on the street is to go to the NFL experience theme park, and go out to Cowboys stadium for all the Super Bowl action! I'm sure the NFL thought there will be no weather problems by having a Super Bowl in North Texas. Well, Mr. Goodell now you know Texas weather is bipolar!

P.S. I just wish this snow will be better so that I could build a snowman. I feel like the only way I could have fun right now is if my dog Maggie was here and I had a sled.

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